Incorrectly Rounded Conversions in GCC and GLIBC

Visual C++ rounds some decimal to double-precision floating-point conversions incorrectly, but it’s not alone; the gcc C compiler and the glibc strtod() function do the same. In this article, I’ll show examples of incorrect conversions in gcc and glibc, and I’ll present a C program that demonstrates the errors.

(To understand my methodology and terminology, please read my article “Incorrectly Rounded Conversions in Visual C++.”)

(Read my December 2013 update to this article: real.c Rounding Is Perfect (GCC Now Converts Correctly).)

(Read my October 2013 update to this article: GCC Conversions Are Incorrect, Architecture or Otherwise.)

(Read my September 2013 update to this article: Correctly Rounded Conversions in GCC and GLIBC.)

My Analysis

I ran my tests on an Intel Core Duo processor running Ubuntu Linux version 10.04, and I used the gcc C compiler version 4.4.3 and the embedded glibc library (eglibc) version 2.11.1. (As far as I can tell, eglibc uses the same conversion code as glibc, so I will refer to eglibc as glibc for the rest of this article.) (Update: I reran my tests on glibc, getting the same results.)

I did automated testing of glibc strtod() string conversions and manual testing of gcc floating-point literal conversions. This is what found in my automated testing of strtod():

  • Conversions were done incorrectly only about four ten-thousandths of a percent of the time.
  • No conversion was incorrect by more than one unit in the last place (ULP).
  • Incorrect conversions included both “hard” and “easy” cases.
  • There were incorrect conversions covering all three cases: “halfway”, “greater than halfway”, and “less than halfway.”

My manual testing of gcc was not as comprehensive, of course, but I did manage to find some examples of incorrect conversions.

For the remainder of this article, I will discuss six examples of incorrect conversions — examples uncovered by my automated and manual testing, as well as examples found in Bugzilla bug reports for gcc and glibc.

Incorrect Conversion by Both GCC and GLIBC

Here’s an example that’s converted incorrectly by both gcc and glibc — to the same incorrect value:

Example 1 (Halfway Case)


which equals 2-1 + 2-53 + 2-54, converts to this binary number:


It has 54 significant bits, with bits 53 and 54 equal to 1. The correctly rounded value — in binary scientific notation — is

1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 x 2-1

gcc and glibc strtod() both compute the converted value as

1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 x 2-1

which is one ULP below the correctly rounded value.

(I constructed this example by hand.)

Incorrect Conversions by GLIBC Only

Here are three examples that are converted incorrectly by glibc but converted correctly by gcc:

Example 2 (Halfway Case)

3.518437208883201171875e13 converts to this binary number:


It has 54 significant bits, with bits 53 and 54 equal to 1. The correctly rounded value is

1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 x 245

glibc strtod() computes the converted value as

1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 x 245

which is one ULP below the correctly rounded value.

(This example was taken from “Bugzilla Bug 3479: Incorrect rounding in strtod().”)

Example 3 (Greater than Halfway Case)

62.5364939768271845828 converts to this binary number, which has a non-terminating binary fraction portion:


Bits 53 and 54 are equal to 1, so the correctly rounded value is

1.11110100010010101011110101011010101001111100101001 x 25

glibc strtod() computes the converted value as

1.1111010001001010101111010101101010100111110010100011 x 25

which is one ULP below the correctly rounded value.

(I discovered this example during random testing.)

Example 4 (Less than Halfway Case)

8.10109172351e-10 converts to this non-terminating binary fraction:


Significant bit 54 is 0, so it should be rounded down to get the correctly rounded value

1.10111101010111001011101011101111000011111101000011 x 2-31

glibc strtod() computes the converted value as

1.1011110101011100101110101110111100001111110100001101 x 2-31

which is one ULP above the correctly rounded value.

(I discovered this example during random testing.)

Incorrect Conversions by GCC Only

Here are two examples that are converted incorrectly by gcc but converted correctly by glibc:

Example 5 (Halfway Case)

The number


which equals 1 + 2-1 + 2-53, converts to this binary number:


It rounds correctly to 1.1, since bit 53 is 0.

gcc converts it to


which is one ULP above the correctly rounded value.

(I constructed this example by hand.)

Example 6 (Less than Halfway Case)

9007199254740991.4999999999999999999999999999999995 converts to this binary number, which has a non-terminating binary fraction portion:


Bit 54 is 0, so it converts correctly to

1.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 252

gcc converts it to

1.0 x 253

which is one ULP above the correctly rounded value.

(This example was taken from “Bugzilla Bug 21718: real.c rounding not perfect.”)

A C Program that Reports the Behavior

Here’s a C program you can use to confirm incorrect rounding on your own Linux system:

// gcc -o examples examples.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define NUM_CONVERT 6

int main (void)
 unsigned int i;
 char decimal[NUM_CONVERT][60] = {

 double gcc_conversion[NUM_CONVERT] = {

 char correct[NUM_CONVERT][30] = {

 for (i=0; i < NUM_CONVERT; i++)
  printf ("%s\n",decimal[i]);
  printf (" Correct = %s\n",correct[i]);
  printf (" gcc =     %a\n",gcc_conversion[i]);
  printf (" strtod =  %a\n\n",strtod(decimal[i],NULL));

This is the output on my system (I shaded the incorrect conversions):

 Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p-1
 gcc =     0x1.0000000000001p-1
 strtod =  0x1.0000000000001p-1

 Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p+45
 gcc =     0x1.0000000000002p+45
 strtod =  0x1.0000000000001p+45

 Correct = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
 gcc =     0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
 strtod =  0x1.f44abd5aa7ca3p+5

 Correct = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
 gcc =     0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
 strtod =  0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0dp-31

 Correct = 0x1.8p+0
 gcc =     0x1.8000000000001p+0
 strtod =  0x1.8p+0

 Correct = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52
 gcc =     0x1p+53
 strtod =  0x1.fffffffffffffp+52

The values for the correct conversions were obtained using David Gay’s strtod() function. I ran a separate program to compute them and then hard coded them in this program. (I could also have constructed the correct hex formats by hand, using my analysis in the examples above.)

If you try this on your system, let me know what happens; I expect the same output. Please include the type of Linux, and version numbers if possible.

Bug Reports

There are existing bug reports for gcc and glibc:

It’s not clear whether these bugs will (or should?) be fixed; if they are, I’d imagine David Gay’s strtod() function would be used to replace the current code.

I would guess this problem affects the other GCC compilers, although I haven’t tested.

GCC/GLIBC Vs. Visual C++

Here are the differences I found between gcc/glibc and Visual C++ in my two analyses:

  • glibc strtod() converted incorrectly about two orders of magnitude less frequently than Visual C++ strtod().
  • I found no integer values that rounded incorrectly in gcc or glibc, unlike in Visual C++.
  • gcc and glibc strtod() can convert the same decimal number differently; I found no such example in Visual C++ and its strtod() function.
  • Of the five examples Visual C++ converts incorrectly, only one — example 2 — is converted incorrectly by gcc or glibc (in this case, by both). Of the six examples in this article converted incorrectly by gcc or glibc, two are converted incorrectly by Visual C++: examples 1 and 2.
  • When gcc or glibc rounds halfway cases incorrectly, it does so either up or down. I found Visual C++ to consistently round incorrectly down.
  • I found an incorrect conversion for a “less than halfway case” in gcc/glibc; I found no such example in Visual C++.


I’ve demonstrated that a decimal floating-point number is not guaranteed to convert to its closest binary floating-point number. Also, I’ve shown that a decimal floating-point number may be converted to different binary floating-point numbers, depending on which compiler or run-time library is used.



  1. Hi Rick,

    I honestly think your expectations are wrong. Please do educate me if I am the one who’s wrong instead.

    Looking at the C99 standard (if you don’t have it, you can download the latest Committee Draft N1124 from [0]), “Floating constants” paragraph 3 says,

    “[…] For decimal floating constants […] the result is either the nearest representable value, or the larger or smaller representable value immediately adjacent to the nearest representable value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner. […]”

    If you evaluate your test results with these semantics in mind, do you still think the complier / C library is buggy? Ultimately, you did say “[n]o conversion was incorrect by more than one unit in the last place (ULP)”.

    Furthermore, you state

    “[…] I’ve shown that a decimal floating-point number may be converted to different binary floating-point numbers, depending on which compiler or run-time library is used.”

    This too fits in “implementation-defined manner”. (That is, the implementation can chose any allowed way, but it must document its choice).



  2. Hi lacos,

    Yes, I am familiar with that C99 text (in fact, it popped up recently on The bottom line is you’re right — it’s not a bug. I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t mean correct rounding shouldn’t be the goal. After all, there are open “bug” reports in gcc and glibc, which means they think it worthy of consideration. And, there is open source code available that does correct rounding.

    BTW, the terms “correct” and “incorrect” might be misleading, but they’re not my terms. A correctly rounded conversion means the closer of two binary floating-point numbers is chosen (I’m assuming the default — “round to nearest even” — but other rounding modes can be applied.)

    Thanks for the comment.

  3. clang 1.1.27 does the rounding right (eglibc still fails, that was expected), but I’m worried because it doesn’t mimic gcc behaviour when using gcc_conversion, and that will lead to obscure bugs to someone.

    Note: The source program was not modified in any way, gcc in the program refers to clang instead.

    esanchma@esanchma-virtualized-linux:~/Escritorio$ clang -o examples-clang examples.c
    esanchma@esanchma-virtualized-linux:~/Escritorio$ ./examples-clang
    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p-1
    gcc = 0x1.0000000000002p-1
    strtod = 0x1.0000000000001p-1

    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p+45
    gcc = 0x1.0000000000002p+45
    strtod = 0x1.0000000000001p+45

    Correct = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
    gcc = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
    strtod = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca3p+5

    Correct = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
    gcc = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
    strtod = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0dp-31

    Correct = 0x1.8p+0
    gcc = 0x1.8p+0
    strtod = 0x1.8p+0

    Correct = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52
    gcc = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52
    strtod = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52

    esanchma@esanchma-virtualized-linux:~/Escritorio$ clang –version
    clang version 1.1 (branches/release_27)
    Target: i386-pc-linux-gnu
    Thread model: posix

  4. eddie,

    What’s really interesting is that your results are different than the five other sets of results I have (my results above and the 4 sets of results reported on reddit).

    Thanks for the data.

  5. It’s stock ubuntu 10.4 with the default clang in ubuntu multiverse: clang-2.7-0ubuntu1

  6. (1) C99 and IEEE 754-1985 are somewhat lax on conversion requirements, but IEEE 754-2008 requires correct rounding across the entire exponent range and for at least 20 digits in the case of Binary64.
    (2) The bug I reported for glibc several years ago actually violates 754-1985.
    (3) The code in glibc is perfectly capable of doing the correct conversion. The problem is an ill-advised shortcut that claims n digits (30? I don’t remember now) are sufficient, when in fact the threshold is much larger (it depends on the exponent and may be as large as 752 bits).


  7. Michel,

    My Example 2 is from your bug report (it’s a halfway case that should round up, not down). Can you elaborate on why it “violates 754-1985”? Thanks.

    (BTW, it’s 20 digits that the shortcut uses.)

  8. This reply is a bit late, but I was not following this discussion, and only got
    here because of your reply on stds-754 (Re: Conflicts between C standard
    and 754-2008).

    My bugzilla #3479 violates 754-1985 because it involves fewer than 17
    digits and has a middling exponent, within the range where correct rounding
    is required.

    I’m a bit annoyed that there has been no progress in four years, even though
    the fix should be pretty trivial (don’t take the invalid shortcut) — but I’m not
    sufficiently plugged in to the glibc maintenance community to provide my own
    bug fix.


  9. My mistake! 754-1985 does not require correct rounding for 22 digits.
    I misremembered the 22-digit size of the #3479 example, probably
    because I’ve also investigated a number of 17-digit (and even 16-digit)
    failures on non-Linux systems.

    It is still a glibc bug however, because the comments, and the use of
    gmp under the covers, clearly suggest that the intention was to perform
    correct rounding…

    Given that glibc uses gmp to convert at least 20 digits, I suspect that it
    does not have bugs within the IEEE 754-1985 correct-rounding range.
    (For the record, that range is numbers representable as M*10**N with
    integers M and N such that |M| < 1e17 and |N| < 28.)

    Of course, by now there is IEEE 754-2008 to contend with! If binary64
    is the widest supported FP format, then 20 correctly-rounded digits would
    be conforming, provided longer digit strings are first rounded in decimal
    to 20 digits, which I suspect is NOT being done. (That's understandable,
    because that particular requirement was only formulated in late 2006 if
    I remember correctly.)

    So perhaps I should torture glibc's strtod() a bit more on post-2008


  10. gcc 4.4.5:

    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p-1
    gcc = 0x1.0000000000002p-1
    strtod = 0x1.0000000000001p-1

    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p+45
    gcc = 0x1.0000000000002p+45
    strtod = 0x1.0000000000001p+45

    Correct = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
    gcc = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
    strtod = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca3p+5

    Correct = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
    gcc = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
    strtod = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31

    Correct = 0x1.8p+0
    gcc = 0x1.8p+0
    strtod = 0x1.8p+0

    Correct = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52
    gcc = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52
    strtod = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52

  11. Heh, just found this article. Happy to see clang gets it right; I contributed their decimal->binary code 🙂

    I submitted the GCC bug 6 years ago; shame there’s little progress.

  12. hmm, quite interestingly, my GCC 4.7.1 x64 on an i5 system running Win7Profx64 (corresponding package using MinGW was downloaded from even seems to treat all the doubles as floats:

    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p-1
    gcc = 0x1.000000p-1
    strtod = 0x1.000000p-1

    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p+45
    gcc = 0x1.000000p+45
    strtod = 0x1.000000p+45

    Correct = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
    gcc = 0x1.f44abdp+5
    strtod = 0x1.f44abdp+5

    Correct = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
    gcc = 0x1.bd5cbbp-31
    strtod = 0x1.bd5cbbp-31

    Correct = 0x1.8p+0
    gcc = 0x1.800000p+0
    strtod = 0x1.800000p+0

    Correct = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52
    gcc = 0x1.000000p+53
    strtod = 0x2.000000p+52

    After having substituted the %a by %f in the printf statement, the results look like this:

    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p-1
    gcc = 0.500000
    strtod = 0.500000

    Correct = 0x1.0000000000002p+45
    gcc = 35184372088832.016000
    strtod = 35184372088832.016000

    Correct = 0x1.f44abd5aa7ca4p+5
    gcc = 62.536494
    strtod = 62.536494

    Correct = 0x1.bd5cbaef0fd0cp-31
    gcc = 0.000000
    strtod = 0.000000

    Correct = 0x1.8p+0
    gcc = 1.500000
    strtod = 1.500000

    Correct = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52
    gcc = 9007199254740992.000000
    strtod = 9007199254740991.000000

    write once, debug everywhere… I could offer results from a non-Intel-driven netbook running WinXPprofx32, but before installing gcc x32 on that device, I’d like to have the double vs. float issue resolved. I’m not a professional C programmer, though…


  13. Georg,

    My notes say that MinGW does not handle %a correctly. Perhaps this is the problem?

    Also, perhaps you can try %.17g instead of %f, to get more digits. From that I can use my converter to see if that matches the correct result (assuming it prints correctly rounded).

    Thanks for the output.

  14. A similar test for floats (binary32), with numbers synthesized from the above examples, yields the wrong rounding (0x1p+24) for decimal literal


    it must be 0x1.fffffep+23. It fails for GCC, C strtof, and C++ iostream.

    Literals I use for testing are:

    1) 0.5000000894069671630859375
    2) 65536.01171875
    3) 14.5382418633098799026
    4) 7.803045154438761140010261119e-10
    5) 1.500000059604644775390625
    6) 16777215.4999999999999999999999999999999995
    7) 3.16612277712032069713275043640247858901e+38
    8) 5.88828039171069e+37
    9) 3.0891034981081734072958e-32

    All cases, except case 6, round correctly.

  15. OK, I forgot the ‘f’ in the source code literals, and that solved my error issue with GCC.

    However, the issues with ‘strtof’, and ‘iostream”s insertion ‘operator>>’ are not solved. And ‘strto(f)’ and strict typed ‘operator>>’ know the size of the destination floating-point value, so, it should perform the correct rounding.

    My test code:
    Compile command: g++ -std=c++11 -o main *.cpp

  16. @Waldemar,

    My guess is that internally they are converting to double first, then to float. You may want to pursue a bug report. (Please keep us informed.)

  17. It could be, at least for some cases.

    Here is a code I’ve used to test rounding of float, double, and long double, with GCC and Clang, adapted from the previous test code:

    I already made some test, whose results I’ll post in comments to follow.

    I’ve had to write my own float to hex string, instead of using the ‘std::hexfloat’ manipulator, because:

    1) GCC truncates ‘long double’ and rounds them as plain ‘double’, i.e., it outputs 18446744073709551615.49999999999999995l as 0x1p+64 instead of 0x1.fffffffffffffffep+63.

    2) Clang rounds ‘long double’ correctly, but does not output a normalized hexadecimal floating-point string, it prints the above number as 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+60.

    Theses are not exhaustive tests, but they evidence some erroneous cases.

  18. g++ -std=c++11 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Ofast -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG=1 -lm main.cpp && ./a.out

    GNU GCC/G++: 5.3.0
    GNU libstdc++: 20151204
    GNU new libc: 2.2

    Testing ‘float’:

    Run-time ‘strtof’ value: literal(16777215.4999999999999999999999999999999995)
    – expected = 0x1.fffffep+23
    – actual = 0x1.000000p+24

    Run-time ‘iostream’ value: literal(16777215.4999999999999999999999999999999995)
    – expected = 0x1.fffffep+23
    – actual = 0x1.000000p+24

    2 failures

    Testing ‘double’: 0 failures
    Testing ‘long double’: 0 failures

    2 failures !!!

    RUN FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 386ms)

  19. clang++ -std=c++11 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Ofast -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG=1 -lm main.cpp && ./a.out

    LLVM Clang: 3.7.1
    GNU libstdc++: 20151204
    GNU new libc: 2.2

    Testing ‘float’:

    Run-time ‘strtof’ value: literal(16777215.4999999999999999999999999999999995)
    – expected = 0x1.fffffep+23
    – actual = 0x1.000000p+24

    Run-time ‘iostream’ value: literal(16777215.4999999999999999999999999999999995)
    – expected = 0x1.fffffep+23
    – actual = 0x1.000000p+24

    2 failures

    Testing ‘double’: 0 failures
    Testing ‘long double’: 0 failures

    2 failures !!!

    RUN FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 993ms)

  20. Complete output on:

    g++ -std=c++11 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Ofast -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG=1 -lm main.cpp && ./a.out

    GNU GCC/G++: 5.3.0
    GNU libstdc++: 20151204
    GNU glibc: 2.15

    Testing ‘float’: 6 failures
    Testing ‘double’: 8 failures
    Testing ‘long double’: 4 failures

    18 failures !!!


    Complete output on:

    clang++ -std=c++11 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Ofast -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG=1 -lm main.cpp && ./a.out

    LLVM Clang: 3.7.0
    GNU libstdc++: 20151204
    GNU glibc: 2.15

    Testing ‘float’: 6 failures
    Testing ‘double’: 8 failures
    Testing ‘long double’: 4 failures

    18 failures !!!


    Complete output on:

    clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Ofast -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG=1 -lm main.cpp && ./a.out

    LLVM Clang: 3.7.0
    LLVM libc++: 1101
    GNU glibc: 2.15

    Testing ‘float’: 4 failures
    Testing ‘double’: 6 failures
    Testing ‘long double’: 4 failures

    14 failures !!!

  21. And this is embarrassing, and confusing…

    Complete output on:

    g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O3 main.cpp && ./a.out

    GNU GCC/G++: 4.9.2
    GNU libstdc++: 20141220
    GNU glibc: 2.19

    Testing ‘float’: 0 failures
    Testing ‘double’: 0 failures
    Testing ‘long double’: 0 failures

    Exit code: 0 (normal program termination)

    So, older version use to yield the correct rounding.

    ¿Or it’s an architecture issue?

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